Brookelyn had a great Christmas! We went to Fresno for a week and were able to visit with lots of family and some friends. She is a very active and alert baby, growing bored after time with certain toys; she likes to mix it up! Here are some fun pictures and videos from the last month.
She turned three months old on the 28th and what and interesting month it has been; she slept all night many times and was up in the night as well. Looking back I think she was going through a long growth spurt! Kyle figured out a new swaddling technique and that has also allowed us to get that 7 hour sleep period that were growing so fond of. She is particular eater and will only breastfeed well when she is actually hungry and will not let me hold her. I have to prop her up on the boppy or lay down and feed her. She has a sweet personality and also has a little stubborn attitude, which I love. She can't help it if she knows what she likes. She is quite the chatter box, here are some fun videos of the new sounds she is making.