I have received a couple of handmade tutus from friends and family for Miss Brookelyn. She took her 6 months pictures in this cute pink tutu and Hazley made her a cute purple one, which I am going to use for her 9 month pictures. I have looked at many tutus and bows over the last year and there is so much cute stuff our there, but I must say that these tutus are the best!
You have to check them out! They have these adorable halter dress tutus that are to die for and with the matching bows, can you imagine how cute Brooke would be? They are the ultimate tutu and I would love to have one for her one year pictures and then I reuse it for her Halloween costume. Currently Village of Moms, http://thevillageofmoms.com/2010/06/posh-little-tutus-3.html, is having a tutu give away and I am crossing my fingers that I win, because I know that Kyle will not let my purchase one! Thanks Village of Moms for the opportunity!
Chad and Kelly came to visit for their 10th anniversary this last weekend. We had so much fun and despite being out of the house most of the time, Brooke did fairly well. She went to the beach for the first time on Thursday and had a lot of fun crawling around. She thought the sand was interesting and luckily was too busy playing with it in her fingers than attempting to eat it. I think for our future visit we are going to purchase a pack in play to put her in; it was difficult to eat and put things on the blanket with a wiggly girl trying to get into everything. We put her feet in the 63 degree water and she didn't seem to mind- no tears. We took a walk on the beach with Chad and Kelly and on the walk Brooke feel asleep in my arms. We went back to our spot and she slept for an hour on my chest under the umbrella. It was so sweet! She has decided that she doesn't love her stroller anymore and would rather be held, which I blame Kyle for because every time she makes a peep he picks her up. Oh well!
Saturday night was adults only and my friend Jen came over to watch Brooke. It was the first time someone else has put Brooke to bed other than me or Kyle, so I was a little nervous. Brooke did surprisingly well. Jen changed her diaper after reading time and then had a little bit of a struggle re-settling her, but Jen assured me she only cried about 5 minutes and then when she put her in her bed, she instantly quieted and fell asleep. We ate dinner at Phil's BBQ, which was delicious. Then we went to the National Comedy Theater for Improv. It was hilarious and we ended the night with Ghiradelli's sundaes. It was nice to stay out late, eat dinner with out keeping Brookie happy and to be fully present for adult conversation. Now that I know Brooke can handle it, I think Kyle and I should take more time to go on dates!
Brooke had so much fun with Uncle Chad and Aunt Kelly. They made her laugh and smile and she really enjoyed their company in the back seat. We will miss seeing them, but are glad we will get to see them again soon!
Brookelyn has the sweetest and most sassy personality. She knows exactly what she wants and doesn't mind telling you how she feels. She is still a big eater and devoured an avocado yesterday. She talks constantly and is very loud. She is a lot of fun and I am very blessed to being able to spend my days with her.
Brookelyn turned 8 months old last Wednesday and I can't believe how fast this last month went. She is becoming a real chatter box and experimenting with all different sounds. She is saying yeah, yeah yeah, over and over. She also loves ba ba, dada, and has started going mmmmm. She also started waving this month and when she waves she tries to say hi and she only says the h sounds so it seems she is whispering. It is so cute! She is a very fast crawler now and is cruising like crazy around the coffee table, couch, chairs, and whatever else she can walk along. She can stand by herself for about 20 seconds and every time we practice she always looks up at me and starts laughing. She is getting into everything and I spend most of my time watching her, making sure she doesn’t put anything in her mouth. Her fine motor skills are very good and she can pick up the littlest object now.
Brooke still has no teeth, but she has become a master of gum mashing. She can put about 5 of those Happy Puffs in her mouth and chew them up just fine. We also started giving her chopped up banana and she has done very well with that. She is eating three meals a day, if I remember to give her food and nurses 4-5 times a day. She is still sleeping through the night until about 4:30 or 5:30. If she wakes at 4:30 I can nurse and she will go back to sleep until 6:30, but if she wakes at 5:30 she has a hard time going back to sleep. I think she is too rested to sleep, but she is not alive enough to play. We spend the first hour cuddling on the couch and then all of sudden she is ready to play.
I started school a couple of weeks ago and I am embarking on week 3 of my class. I am really enjoying it and more than anything can’t wait to be done with the program. Kyle's brother, Chad, and his wife, Kelly, are coming to visit tomorrow and we are so excited to see them. I am planning an adult only night and I am very excited for the chance to go out without my precious baby.
Brooke is a lot of fun and we are enjoying every minute of parenthood. She makes us laugh all the time and has a huge personality. I know there are so many more fun and new things that she has done, but that is all I can recall right now.
My camera died suddenly a last week so I don't have any new pictures, but I got my new camera in the mail today and can't wait to take pictures of Miss Brookelyn with it.
One more thing, last month I got to hold a newborn baby and I must say it brought on a little baby fever! :)
Kyle and I were married on November 25, 2006. We started our new lives together celebrating our marriage dancing with family and friends. Since then we have moved a couple of times, bought our first home in San Diego, bought the sweetest puppy, and are now expecting our first child. We love all that San Diego has to offer. We love the beach, sand, sun, and creating a beautiful place to raise our little girl, Brooke. I love cooking and reading and my husband enjoys watching baseball and being outside. Bernard, our puppy, loves chewing on bones and whatever else we will let him gnaw on. It has been a crazy two and half years and it's about to get crazier.