She loves to dance. She does it all the time and it is so cute!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Her favorite game
Brooke is really into giving us stuff right now and taking things in and out of bags and baskets. It is so funny! She is so much fun!!!
Disneyland- It's a small world
Brooke loved the ride it's a small world. Here is a video of her adventure. I will post some cute pictures from our trip soon.
The last video wasn't the right one. Check out her video at:
The last video wasn't the right one. Check out her video at:
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
July and 10 months already!!!
After out trip to Nebraska, I flew to Fresno with Brooke and Kyle came home. I decided to spend a couple weeks with my family and it also gave me a chance to do some swim lessons. We ended up staying with my sister, Judy, because my parents house was a mess from renovations. Brookelyn had a lot of fun playing with her cousins and aunt. I was able to see most of my family and was also able to make a little money with my swimming lessons. I also got the chance to visit with friends that I hadn't seen forever. It is always nice to catch up with good friends. I met with a friend from high school, Kimmy "Wilcox" Sorenson, and she gave me a ton of cute clothes for Brookie with lots of match bows. I am very blessed to have such great family and friends that love and support me. Thank you Judy for being hospitable and keeping us for so long. We love you!
Brooke is going to be 10 months old in a few months and I can't believe how fast time is going. She is so much fun and has become such an easy baby. She sleeps well, goes to sleep easily, and even when she doesn't get a lot of sleep she can still have fun. She nurses about 4-5 times a day and eats three meals a day. She is getting closer and closer to walking, loves to wave, make silly sounds, claps, plays games with us, and got her first tooth this month. She is really in to this cheesy grin, where she kind of snorts and show us her gums and little tooth. It is the cutest smile ever! She talks constantly and eats all the time. I bought her this snack container that she can feed herself from, but the puffs don't fall out and she loves it; it is her favorite toy and impossible to take away without tears. Even if it doesn't have a snack in it, she will put her hand inside and crawl around with it. She gives us kisses all the time and also gives others kisses. She still laughs when I say no, but I do think she understands what it means. She seems to understand what a lot of words mean, but just can't say them. She says three words: mama, dada, and baba, but she talk all the time. She prefers to jabber more than anything. Another favorite game she likes to play is taking things out of baskets, drawers, and purses, but after she takes things out shedoes put it back. She is quite the monkey, climbing over everything! There is nothing that she can't get through, past, or around; her persistents is inevitable. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the month.
Having a great time on the Riverboat at Disneyland
Daddy trying to make the same look as Brookelyn. I think they look a lot a like in this picture.
July 4th
We left on June 24 for Colorado Springs for Hazley and Matt Sutter's wedding. It was a great time and Kyle and I had so much fun visiting friends and meeting up with Poppa and Grandma Ferguson. Poppa and Grandma hadn't seen Brookelyn since January and she had such a good time playing with them. She went right into Grandma's arms at the airport and spent most of the vacation in their arms. Brookelyn was a flower girl in the wedding and despite teething, she did a great job!
We went to Poppa and Grandma's cabin for fourth of July and Brooke went on the swing for the first time, hung out in the lake, played in the sand, played with her cousins, and with new friends. She did get off schedule and woke up more than usual during the night, but it didn't seem to make her moody and cranky, but the lack of sleep at night was hard on me. Kyle had a great time seeing his friends that he hasn't seen. He spent most of the time hanging around the fire pit and playing in the lake.
On July 4th, Kyle's extended family came to visit and Brooke was able to see Grandma Great. She was also able to meet cousins that she had never seen before.
We were also able to visit Erik and Krissy Gray on our trip to Nebraska. They had their baby girl, Birkley Jane Gray a few weeks before and it was wonderful to spend the whole afternoon and evening with them. Birkley is beautiful just like her mommy. They are both amazing friends and I only wish we could live closer.
The end to our trip was very sad, because Kyle's other grandma, Grandma Stave, passed that morning. We were actually going to visit her the day that we left, but unfortunately we didn't make it. I was extremely sad to not get the chance to say goodbye, but we were all glad that she was no longer in pain. I am going to miss her very much. She was sunshine every time I saw her, greeting us with cookies and brownies. She loved to crochet. She made Brooke two cute sweaters and much more. Grandma and Grandpa Stave would always go to these swap meets and buy a box of jewelry for a $1. Every visit she would hand me a box of jewelry that they got for me and I always found the cutest stuff. We still went to visit Great Grandpa Stave to send him our love and comfort. When we got there, the first thing he made sure he gave me was a box of jewelry that grandma wanted to make sure I got. When he handed it to me, it was impossible to stop from crying. I will miss her very much, but I know that she is celebrating with Jesus right now.

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