I can't believe that I haven't updated the blog in two months, but we have been very busy. Kyle is busy with work, grading speeches, and grading papers. He is currently busy getting ready for finals and trying to make a beautiful outside space for Brooke and I to hang out for the summer.
I have been busy writing my thesis and I am so excited to be done!
Brooke has officially entered the crazy toddler stage. She loves to just run around the house making crazy screaming sounds and fake laugh sounds. She is hilarious! She is talking up a storm and can repeat any word we ask her to say and is speaking in sentences. She can say her numbers up to 10 and we are practicing her colors. She can sing parts of the ABC song and loves to play in the water, even if it is cold- my little fish already. She loves to sing, read, Bernard, and coloring.
She loves play-doh and riding her bike too! Her hair is getting longer, finally, and I am having fun putting it in pony tails. She is so sweet and such a good girl. We love her so much and feel so blessed to have been picked by God to shepherd her to know and love Jesus.
She loves ice cream and asks for it everyday. She doesn't love green beans or watermelon. She doesn't like food too spicy and will spit it out and rub her tongue for a little while, kind of funny! She is really good at using her spoon and fork for most things, but there are some things that I still let her use her hands.
She is waking up anywhere between 5:30- 6:30 and it seems pretty early for me. We have tried putting her to bed later, but that doesn't work. In fact she woke up at 5am the morning after we put her down at 8:15am. Needless to say we are back to 7:30-7:45pm bedtime.