We purchased Bernard in February when he was 8 weeks old. He is now 7 months old and so cute! He is the best dog and I am excited for him to meet baby Brooke.
This picture is from his first night in his new home. We knew right then what a good dog he was going to be. He didn't whine the whole night and slept so nicely right above my head. He must have felt at home from the very start.

He has always been a cuddly, lazy, and loving dog.

He loves jumping in the bath and sneaking in the shower when we are not looking.

This is Bernard's second visit to the beach. He loves watching the other dogs play, jumping the waves, and rolling in the sand.

Bernard is 6 months old in this picture. He just finished playing in the pool and was ready to layout with Berkley.
you guys are so brave, new puppy and baby!!
ReplyDeleteI know, but I knew I wouldn't have the time or energy to train a puppy after the baby arrived. He is such a sweetheart and really nice to have around.